Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I Actually Fell Off a Hill

'Ello mates! :)

Okay. So. Long story short, my friends and I went to a park in search of a good swingset. We found an awesome park that had a sledding hill nearby. It was an arduous climb up, but of course we had to scale it! (There was no snow – we just wanted to check out the view.)

So, I happened to be wearing my Sherlock-y coat, and the sharp angle of the hill just reminded me of a certain shot from (you guessed it!) the Reichenbach Fall. So I did what any decent fangirl would do.

I made my friend take pictures of me being Sherlock. XD

#nailed it

Okay, so it might not look it, but... this hill was really steep.
Really steep.
Aaand I was leaning forward. (I had to get the full Sherlock effect, right?)

(I'm not kidding, guys. In this shot I am falling. Down a hill. This is what we fangirls do for a photo op.)
(Spoiler alert: I was okay. ;D)

Have you ever actually fallen down a hill? Please describe. xD
Do you guys miss swingsets too?
>> Your friendly neighborhood Embers

Thursday, October 20, 2016

#I Chose the Fandom Life

AHAAA I finally did it – I carved an apple like Moriarty did in The Reichenbach Fall
(I was crazy proud of this thing okay it was ridiculous. I couldn't stop giggling to myself. XD )

If you haven't seen Reichenbach... well, you're lucky. Your heart will most likely still be intact! XD Oh dear. I watched this episode of Sherlock (BBC) with my family a month-ish ago. I was an emotional wreck after watching this episode!! (And still kind of am if I think about it too much.) It's really good – fantastically written, really well-acted... but wow, it hurts. (Why do I still recommend this show to everyone I meet...?)

Anyway, that's all for now. :) Don't be boring, blame Anderson, and have an awesome Thursday!
-- Your friendly neighborhood Embers --