Thursday, August 6, 2015

The 777 Challenge

A thank you to the talented Becca at Sitting on Clouds for tagging me in the 777 challenge! Here are the rules:
• Share 7 lines from the 7th page of one of your manuscripts
• Tag 7 bloggers

I took an excerpt from my Agents of P.O.R.T.A.L. story, a fanfiction I started a while ago. It's a fanfic of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., so I'm sorry if the characters are unfamiliar to you.

–––––   –––––

Skye breathed out a final time, a whisper in the air, as the very last light in her chest slowly faded to black.
"No!" Fitz curled around her, quivering with fear. His blood felt like it had frozen in his chest.
He sat there for a long time, holding tightly to Skye, in the last remaining moments of two old friends. The bright blood stains on his armor faded to brown in the small eternity that passed.
Looking at her face through watering eyes, he brushed gently at the blood on her cheek. "I'm sorry it's come to this," he whispered. "I'm so, so sorry."

–––––   –––––

Hope you enjoyed it!
Aaaand, once again, I'm going to leave this tag open for whoever wants to do it, because I'm a rebel >:D


  1. Oooo, this made me want to read more. I love it, just love it. Skye is the prettiest name!

    1. Thank you, Storyteller! <3 Oh, and just so you know, I didn't create Skye's character (much as I wish I had!) She's a character from Agents of SHIELD. It is a very pretty name, though! :)

  2. WELP, now you have to post the rest of your book, so that I can grow properly attached to Skye before she dies.
    Did you make it Agents of P.O.R.T.A.L in reference to the computer game?? Because that would be awesome.

    1. Haha! I really would like to finish it! Maybe since you all are posting such nice comments I'll try to work on it some more. :)
      Yep! I did indeed. I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that reference. Basically the story has all the characters of Agents of SHIELD and they use portal guns alongside real guns to win a vs. battle. (Thinking with portals? Easy enough. Writing with portals? Gets a bit harder. ;)

  3. Wow! That was amazing! <3 Great job, Embers! <3
