Sunday, August 2, 2015

Wedding Questions!

Recently the lovely Lady Emily at The Life and Times of Emily C. put up a post about weddings. The questions looked so fun I decided to join in. If you're interested, you can answer these questions as well!

1. Inside or outside? Why?
Inside, because walls are great at repelling bugs and air conditioning rocks. XD

2. What time of year do you want to have your wedding at?
Sometime in early autumn, maybe. When the hot breath of summer is fading away and the gold and red leaves will imprint in my memory forever. <3

3. What do you want your dress to look like?
It definitely has to have a HUGE poofy princess skirt (because, really, at what other point in your life can you truly get away with such poofy wonderfulness?), and a fitted bodice decorated with rhinestones and beads.

4. Will you follow the old tradition and try to wear something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue?
Sure, why not?

5. Will you dance the first dance with your husband? What song would you like to dance for this?
Absolutely! This will probably change later, but currently I love the idea of dancing to 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming', Valka and Stoick's song from How To Train Your Dragon 2.

I want to have crazy dancing as well; fun songs like Walking on Sunshine, the Chicken Dance, the Macarena, YMCA, Get Up On Ya Feet, and ones that really get my guests up and dancing. :D

6. What music will you walk down the isle to?
GAh! I don't know! This is stressful actually xD Maybe to a track from HTTYD (How To Train Your Dragon). All of the Nordic/Icelandic tones are so gorgeous.

7. What do you want your wedding colors to be?
Light green and purple. I once went to a wedding with that palette. Lovely.

8. What will you have your bridesmaids wear?
Dresses with loose and flowy skirts that will poof out when they spin!

9. How about you groomsmen?
Tuxedos I guess? I never really thought about it before XD

10. What food do you want to have at your wedding?
A buffet for the main course, but mostly desserts. Definitely an ice cream bar with bowls of toppings to choose from!

11. Name any other random details about your wedding you have in mind.
Well, I did always think it would be cool to have a dog bring our wedding rings (attached to his collar) down the isle for us. Also, I think it would be so awesome to arrive at the ceremony in a horse-drawn carriage.

12. And finally, what character quality would you prize most in your husband?
God-loving, God-fearing. The most important thing of all.

Great questions, Lady Emily! I loved answering them. :)

All images via Public Domain Pictures. Public domain photo sites rock the world. :)


  1. Ah! Arriving in a horse-drawn carriage sounds awesome! XD

    1. Doesn't it just?! Horses are a childhood love of mine. <3

  2. Ah! Arriving in a horse-drawn carriage sounds awesome! XD

  3. YEAH FOR POOFY, SPINNY DRESSES! I thoroughly approve of your taste. *high five* :D

  4. These are awesome answers! <3 I loved reading this post!
