Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sketch Compilation – Dragons, Star Trek, Sherlock

Hey all! I've been sketching a lot recently and I wanted to share some of the pictures with ya.
I love to design characters from TV shows as dragons, so that's mainly what you'll see here. The two fandoms in the sketches here are Star Trek (which is a very recent fandom for me) and Sherlock. Hope you like them!

First, the Star Trek stuff: 
Jaylah, from the newest Star Trek movie Beyond
Captain Kirk
Spock as a little wrymling!! He's facing a Vulcan elder.
"'You did well, Spock.'
For a half breed, came the unspoken comment."
And now for some Sherlock sketches – the first picture is of Moriarty.
"the reckless king"
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know which one's your favorite! :)

>> Your friendly neighborhood Embers


  1. AHHHHHHHHH what a cute idea! Rendering human (or Vulcan) characters as dragons!!! Eeeeeee so happy about this.

    Hmmm. Honestly I really like Molly Hooper!!! She looks feminine yet nerdy and science-y. Really impressed :D.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment!! :DD It is really fun trying to translate human characteristics into dragon-esque qualities.
      XD I'm so glad you like Molly! Yes, that's the exact look I was going for – the true sciencey-nerd that she is!
