Thursday, December 1, 2016

In Memoriam...Of A Stereo

We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of a mighty fallen soldier.
My beautiful, lovely stereo system, who has officially given up the ghost.
...Yeah. My stereo system died. I received this handsome thing for Christmas a couple years ago, and I have loved it every second it was still working. I used it almost every day whenever I was crafting, drawing, or just being in my room. It had two large, lovely speakers and very useful Bluetooth capabilities.

It basically worked perfectly up until a month ago, when it just wouldn't turn on. This little guy was just done. #reallywhatcanyoudo #technicaltantrum
Yesterday my dad opened it up and checked inside to make sure the problem wasn't fixable before we threw it out. (Sadly, he called it. This Insignia radio was declared officially dead.) I will say, the 'tech surgery' was scary and everything, but it was awesome seeing all of its 'guts'. Seriously, just look at this beautiful chaos. XD
We've been through a lot, this little stereo and I. It's so hard to see him go.
I'll never forget you, little buddy. *presses hand to heart* So long, so long, and thanks for all the music. X)

//Your friendly neighborhood Embers//


  1. *tries not to laugh at this epicness*

    i'm sorry, i'm sorry, it really is sad. *tears up* xD

    1. *laughs anyway because it's more socially acceptable to do so than to cry over a stereo* XD

      Haha, hopefully I can get a new one soon to heal the wound!
