Wednesday, September 30, 2015

14 Things That Stress Me Out For No Reason

1. You cannot imagine a new color. You can't. I swear. Try it.
2. Somewhere someone is making the most important decision of their life right at this moment.

3. I am well past the age that I should know how to spell decision correctly by now.
But nope. Sigh.

4. We're always trying so hard not to offend people I'm not sure what people really mean or really think anymore. O-0

!!5!! Sewer grates. I've always had this fear that if I step on them, they'll break and I will fall into the dark gross "water".
*shivers* via

6. Bread with gaping holes in it. THIS IS AN ATROCITY OF BREAKFAST OKAY
7. Taking medicine

8. Being stressed. Uhm... yah. I stress that my stress level should be lower. If that's not dumb, I don't know what is. XD

9. Weeping Angels (Doctor Who, Blink) because nOPE NOPE NOPE I CAN'T EVEN PUT UP A PICTURE OF THEM

10. Forgetting something halfway through writi

11. Number lists that halfway through are like 'Betcha didn't notice this list doesn't have a number 5!' and you are forced to scroll up the page just to check to confirm your ignorance of list numbers. Please note I spared you the stress.

12. When you finish writing a short story and –
– you're one adjective away from perfection.

13. Handling chopsticks

14. When your waitress comes over to your table but you haven't decided what you want to eat yet

So, now that my stress level has gone up considerably, I'm going to go listen to peaceful music or something. XD
What random things bother/stress you out?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Lugubrious Death Cookies

I have been challenged! XD This is a response to Lady Emily's story writing challenge. In a short story you had to include
1. A basket of cookies
2. A character who can breathe fire
3. An object that can talk (say, a clock, a sword, a carousel horse)
4. A death scene
5. The word "lugubrious"

My story turned out to be about a page and a half long. Hope you like it! :D
•       •       •

"AUGH! Hot hot hot hot!" I snap my lips closed to quench the fire burning my throat. I feel the flames extinguish in my mouth, and I spit out the Fire Stone that had been resting on my tongue. Fortunately, I had the foresight to leave a large glass of milk sitting on the stone table nearby. I snatch up the glass and drain it, the milk soothing the residual fire in my throat.

Learning to breath fire from a dragon master is difficult enough, but when you actually try to breathe fire, it's not unlike the experience of eating chili that has been spiced five hundred degrees too hot. My dragon master has told me to train every day with fire breathing, using the Fire Stone only as a helper. So far... close, but no embers.

"Draconian lessons hardly worth their weight in silver?" A wooden voice comes from the other room. Bernardo is hardly ever smug, but this is a rare occasion. He had warned me that Draconian lessons were not for me, but of course I didn't listen.

I finish the milk completely and wipe droplets from my lips, still warm from the attempted fire. "Don't need your opinion, thanks, Bernardo," I call mock-cheerfully to him. I start wrapping the Fire Stone in its silk fireproof wrapping. I'll practice more with my fire later ... probably.

"My dear, I remain stolidly under the impression that my opinion is indeed worthy. Whoever else could you depend on to tell you that a quick individual has just deposited a basket before your door?"

"By the stars, I really hope it's not another witch orphan," I say with a crinkle in my brow, creeping quietly toward the door. "They're so common these days and it's really hard to keep them from making spells. You would definitely remember the last one I had to raise – Greta. She was a disaster – and you know I couldn't control her sentient spells."

"The product of Greta's childhood was a sound one, wouldn't you say?" Bernardo watches me creep toward the door. He stands seven feet, literally a grandfather clock, up against the northernmost wall of the house.

You might have guessed, but the whole orphan-witch incident was the reason I now have a talking sentient grandfather clock who sits in my living room and who can judge my life decisions.

Fortunately, I open the door to reveal not another squirming green orphan (whew) but instead a wicker basket filled with cookies. Sugar-scented steam winds lazily upwards into the rainy afternoon.

"Cool!" I pick up the basket and whisk it inside out of the rain.

"A cheap attempt to inject sunshine into an otherwise lugubrious morning, I'm sure," Bernardo states matter-of-factly. He does so love being right.

I grin. I do love teasing the old clock. "Mmmm!" I hum loudly, licking cookie crumbs from my lips. "Oh man, these cookies are SO GOOD. I'm so glad that I have a MOUTH and a TONGUE to eat cookies. YUM."

"A timekeeper of my position and status hardly needs sweets to keep my cogs running, beg your ruffian pardon," he says, pulling himself haughtily up so his wood creaks against the legs of the clock.

"No," I swing my legs over the side of the chair and look and the old clock with, for once, a serious considering expression. "But you do need oiling and a regular checkup, and the Clock Doc hasn't been in for over a moon."

"I do wish you wouldn't address Dr. Flint with such coarse slang," he says. "Clock Doc indeed." He continues to mutter lowly, the sound falling into the steady grind of his gears.

His old-timey rant falls to a stutter, however, when his cogs begin to churn to a halt. His 2 and 10 digits, that act as his eyes, widen and enlarge. "I – I-n-n-n –"
I brush crumbs off my fingers and leap up form the chair. The large golden pendulum swinging in his glass chest cavity is slowing to an unsteady wobble – a sad, but temporary, death for a clock. The Clock Doc will have to rewind him.

I fondly pat the top of the clock, my hand puffing up some dust. "Don't you worry about it, old friend. The Clock D – Doctor Flint will help you."

In the meantime – I look toward the lump of silk that hides the Fire Stone and sigh.

Bernardo would probably tell me to practice.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Army of One – HTTYD Art

Hey, what do you know, this is my very first colored art piece of How To Train Your Dragon! I know – I have actually completed an art piece?! Yesh. Yesh I have. For the past few days I've been working on this drawing of Toothless.  Click the 'read more' to see the whole thing!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

So I've been watching too much House recently (started season 1 about two weeks ago) and thEN THIS PART CAME UP AND I ALMOST SPAT MY WATER OUT I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lately and Coming Soon

>> I am going to try all sorts of funky blog layouts and weird color palettes because I am not happy with how my blog looks right now. PREPARE FOR THINGS TO LOOK EXTREMELY HILARIOUS BEFORE THEY GET BETTER.

>> These kind of random one-picture posts:

>> Lately: Still reading Fellowship of the Ring. I have finished Fahrenheit 451, so we have that!

>> I think I might do more fandom-related things on this blog (like Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, Avengers). Like so:
Oh yeah, I totally timed it.

>> I think that's all I was going to say? I just wanted to give you all a warning that my blog will be going through a major regeneration process. So please bear with me, all you awesome people reading this. XD

Til next time,
Ze Embers