Friday, July 29, 2016

Purple, Cashew-Scented Fingers || Jammy Dodgers

DO YOU SEE THAT FIRST PICTURE? Notice how both my hands are in the shot? That was a timed option on my iPod. Yes, I was holding my iPod with my chin. XDD
Anyway. In relation to a craft I'm doing right now, I had to cut shapes out of plastic. The closest plastic material I could find was an empty container of cashews. I traced the shapes I needed onto it with – ta-da – yes, a purple marker. Well, the more I cut the plastic and held the container to steady it, the more the ink rubbed off onto my hand (as well as the residual cashew dust!). The result was nutty-smelling purple-Smurf fingers. XP Worth it!

My friends and I made Jammy Dodgers today! (Find recipe here.) Yes, the Eleventh Doctor inspired this.
Me: Guys wait I want to get a picture of these before we eat them
*They respond by making sure to get their hands into every shot*
To get revenge I decided to post the pictures here. >:D
Have an awesome weekend! :)

>> Your friendly neighborhood Embers

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Watercolor Weekend

Watercolor is amazing! I've been using some paints that my grandmother gave me. Above: A Dalek with a Gallifreyan headdress (which has to do with a Doctor Who fanfiction I'm writing) and a peacock! The wrinkly paper that results is one of my favorite parts. X)
Music I'm listening to: Jailbreak by Awolnation, This is the Future by Owl City, Barking at the Moon by Jenny Lewis

What have you been doing over the weekend? Have you ever done watercolor?

>> Your friendly neighborhood Embers<<

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Saga Continues – My Room

Hey, I never gave you all the update! I bought my bookshelf!
I built it mostly myself *casually brushes off shoulders* (...HAH! let's be real. I had a lot of help from my mum. XD) But look how impressive I am, guys. I even used tools and stuff.
The sonic screwdriver – a vital tool for any workman's belt.

We actually had to move the bookshelf from where it was originally meant to go – when we put it in the original corner, it looked way scary and imposing.
So it was moved to the other wall, taking the vanity's place (and the vanity scooted over in front of the window).
Anyway, I'm very happy with the bookshelf! I'm glad I finally got it. It has very nice, simple paneling detail on the sides, and the whole thing feels very sturdy. Just to give you guys an update!

In unrelated news, editing is happening on my manuscript!! Whoo! *sighs* Do you ever do the thing where you change the plot of your story at the very last minute?? I DO. It's annoying.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Oh, The Joys of Writing

Hello everybody! Again! I've dropped back into the blogging hemisphere. And, clearly, I'm fiddling with the design again. Heh... just wanted to say it's good to be back!

I've been doing heaps of writing lately. For several different stories I've have to look up some things (to make sure that facts are accurate, etc.) Does anyone else have to Google some weird stuff on the Internet just for story-related purposes?

In the past week alone, I've looked up:
1) medical uses for lemon concentrate
2) tools needed for lockpicking
3) unique girl names that start with the letter k
4) animal with largest eyeball in animal kingdom
. . . all purely for writing purposes. xD Please tell me you have also had to look up some obscure stuff before!

>> Your friendly neighborhood Embers